Its all about the carrot

September 2015, first year, first term, first semester – produce 12 images, so what do I choose for my theme; carrots!  My theme came about after receiving an email from Netflix in September 2015, which I had not used for a while since moving that June.  Pondering as to why I still had it I remembered that it was mainly to watch Orange is the New Black and after a bit of a bizarre thought process I whittled it down from all things orange to just carrots.  I nearly gave it up as I could really only think of ideas that were very literal and ultimately a bit lame.  After being pushed hard to think more outside the box from my tutor the images have gradually become more subtle.  So from the first carrots in a glass of juice to my final images using a sheet of glass, olive oil and carrot juice I think they have come a long way.  My box of tricks included carrots, carrot juice, tin of carrot soup, grated carrot, olive oil, card, kebab stick, blue tac, string, a glass, glasses, pane of glass, plastic ice cream spoon, pair of pliers, glittery garden cone, a drill, fellow students and cloths to clean up the inevitable mess.

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