Photoshop strops

Digital Imaging Techniques Module: So I didn’t know much more than basic photoshop skills before this module and found it pretty frustrating in the early stages until I started to actually gain some confidence and get a little creative.  In fact, I found that I have really enjoyed it and can spend hours developing and tweaking projects into something more imaginative.

The task was to create two advertising images and two personal images for the final project.  In addition to classroom based tutorials, online tutorials were invaluable in developing further skills.

My first (and very simple) advert was for mascara and the second was my favourite drink, Gin, which was a little more creative.

mascara FINAL

Final Gin


By the time it came to developing the last two personal images the tutorials were inspiring and I was and will continually be amazed with what you can do with Photoshop.  Finding bubble and cloud brushes to download was a revelation!


Digital Imaging Techniques, Semester 2, Year 1.

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