From Paris to Perjeta


I have made a book!! Its a follow on from my 24 hours project I did a couple of months ago. Ā Its through Blurb and I made it for this semesters uni module. They give you the option to sell it, so I published it but I donā€™t imagine anyone will buy it but you never know. Ā Its titled from Paris to Perjeta reason being that I had my biopsy the day before our student trip to Paris in November 2016; the outcome a week later was that of my breast cancer diagnosis; Perjeta is one of the drugs used during my chemotherapy treatment, which was completed on 5 April 2017. Ā It makes sense to me.


March 2017
Challenging projects and little time.  Latest university project; “here’s the title; 24-hours, what ever you want and get it simply bound, due next week”. Ah! I thought will take this a bit literally, its nice to be literal for a change.  So decided on a photo-documentary project book showing the #24-hour day in the life of moi! and supporting role goes to #mr_mactographee, awesome ;).  So anyway, I have been inspired of late to document my battle with a serious illness, which will take me through to the flip side of a six month journey, like a “Survival Special”.  I am pushing it a bit further each time hopefully see it out as one of my major projects for the 3rd year, see how it goes really.  Think Revoir by J H Engstrom but lacking the nudity (for now!!) love the layout and that is quite personal but relatable and he’s using images that have been preserved as a memory of a time in his life, maybe that’s how I see this as about to preserve, out of some morbid thought, a slice of life.  Below is a preview slideshow and another set of the individual images.

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